Cloud Computing – keep it simple

With Cloud Computing entering – possibly – its puberty, there is much discussion in the blogs and via Twitter as to its exact definition. Much has been written on the subject and there are some extremely good blogs etc out there dealing with the point. The...

England ….oh England!

I should state from the outset that my knowledge of sport is less than minimal and… usually…my interest therein is non -existant. When colleagues go into rapture about the latest football match, when to listen to them, one would think that they actually...

The Cloud – a silver lining?

When I first became involved with Cloud Computing about 9 years ago (I didn’t realise it was called Cloud Computing then let alone SaaS!), Easycounting was one of the only internet accounting models arround. The major issue then was convincing practitioners that...

Cloud Computing – becoming mainstream?

A four page spread on Cloud Computing in last week’s Sunday Times magazine was an interesting event. The fact that a major piece of coverage was given to the concept was interesting in itself, but has Cloud Computing become sufficiently mainstream that a major...

ITV – not keeping up with the times

The news that ITV has sufferred from a loss in advertising revenues is not really surpriisng. Obviously, the current recession will have been a major factor but so would the change in in peoples viewing habits.With an increase in the use of systems such as Sky +,...